

The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program is an ongoing program from 2016 to assist Alaska Native, homeless veterans in finding rental homes in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region or AVCP Region of Alaska.  

We are happy to announce the U.S. Veterans of Affairs office in Anchorage recently hired De-An Watkins, a Homeless Outreach Social Worker, to start the referral process for Bethel and the AVCP region.  Ms. Watkins has started the referrals to start the program this fall and will continue until all 20 slots are filled.  Below is a process of how the program will work: 

  • VA Medical/Health Release of Information must be filled out and signed to start the eligibility process. 
  •  Veterans will be screened by the VA for eligibility.
  • Eligible Veterans will be referred to AVCP RHA.
  • Complete an AVCP RHA Housing Application.  Applications are available at AVCP RHA Bethel office or on the company website.
  • Veteran move-in. 

To make the eligibility process go faster, you must provide these documents:

  •  Copy of DD-214
  •  Military Honorable Discharge Papers
  •  Social Security Card
  •  Tribal ID card
  •  Proof of low-income (copy of recent IRS filing or W-2’s)

If you or anyone you know who is a homeless veteran, (a homeless veteran is considered as one who has no home of his/her own, lives with relatives, or moves from house to house) please contact AVCP RHA or the US Department of Veterans Affairs at the numbers listed below.

De-An Watkins, Homeless Outreach Social Worker      907-273-4048
Jason Smith, AVCP RHA Tribal Operations                  907-543-3121
Timantha Brink, AVCP RHA Application Intake             907-543-3121
Loretta Berry, AVCP RHA Application Intake                907-543-3121